Ders Plan Özeti
Dersin Türü | Adet | Kredi Toplam | AKTS Toplam | |
Program Temel Dersleri | Bölüm Zorunlu | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Program Uzmanlık Dersleri | Bölüm Seçmeli | 0 | - | 0 |
Akredite Programlar | Kurum Adı | Başlama Tarihi | Bitiş Tarihi |
İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ (YL) (TEZLİ) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
İŞLETME (YL) (TEZSİZ) (İÖ) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
İŞLETME (YL) (TEZSİZ) (UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
MUHASEBE VE FİNANSMAN (YL) (TEZLİ) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
MUHASEBE VE FİNANSMAN (DR) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
ÜRETİM YÖNETİMİ VE PAZARLAMA (YL) (TEZLİ) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
ÜRETİM YÖNETİMİ VE PAZARLAMA (DR) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
YÖNETİM VE ORGANİZASYON (YL) (TEZLİ) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
YÖNETİM VE ORGANİZASYON (DR) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
SAĞLIK YÖNETİMİ (YL) (TEZLİ) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
SAĞLIK YÖNETİMİ (DR) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
ULUSLARARASI TİCARET (YL) (TEZLİ) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
YÖNETİM BİLİŞİM SİSTEMLERİ (YL) (TEZLİ) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
YÖNETİM BİLİŞİM SİSTEMLERİ (DR) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
İŞLETME PR. (YL) (TEZLİ) (İÖ) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ PR. (DR) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |
GİRİŞİMCİLİK VE YENİLİK YÖNETİMİ PR. (YL) (TEZLİ) | AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2027 |