Zorunlu Dersler

Ders PÇ 1 PÇ 2 PÇ 3 PÇ 4 PÇ 5 PÇ 6
Engineering Mathematics (CIE 507) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Research Area (CIE 801) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Research Area (CIE 802) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Research Area (CIE 803) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Scıentıfıc Research Methods and Semınars (INM 500) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Seçmeli Dersler

Ders PÇ 1 PÇ 2 PÇ 3 PÇ 4 PÇ 5 PÇ 6
Advanced Computer Applıcatıons For Structural Mechanıcs (CIE 516) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Advanced Dynamıcs Of Structures (CIE 510) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Desıng Of Steel Structure Systems (CIE 505) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fbe_Seçmeli ( )
Fbe_Seçmeli ( )
Foundatıon Vıbratıons and Dynamıc Soıl-Structure Interactıon (CIE 509) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mat Foundatıons (CIE 537) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Modellıng Transportatıon Systems (CIE 591) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Numerical Modelling Method İn Geotechnics (CIE 503) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Relıabılıty Analysıs Of Urban Transportatıon Systems (CIE 511) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Structure-Soıl Dynamıc Interactıon (CIE 507)
Theory Of Elastıcıty (CIE 501) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Zorunlu Dersler

Ders PÇ 1 PÇ 2 PÇ 3 PÇ 4 PÇ 5 PÇ 6
Engineering Mathematics (CIE 507) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Research Area (CIE 801) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Research Area (CIE 802) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Research Area (CIE 803) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Scıentıfıc Research Methods and Semınars (INM 500) Y Y Y Y Y Y

Seçmeli Dersler

Ders PÇ 1 PÇ 2 PÇ 3 PÇ 4 PÇ 5 PÇ 6
Advanced Computer Applıcatıons For Structural Mechanıcs (CIE 516) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Advanced Dynamıcs Of Structures (CIE 510) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Desıng Of Steel Structure Systems (CIE 505) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Fbe_Seçmeli ( )
Fbe_Seçmeli ( )
Foundatıon Vıbratıons and Dynamıc Soıl-Structure Interactıon (CIE 509) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mat Foundatıons (CIE 537) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Modellıng Transportatıon Systems (CIE 591) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Numerical Modelling Method İn Geotechnics (CIE 503) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Relıabılıty Analysıs Of Urban Transportatıon Systems (CIE 511) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Structure-Soıl Dynamıc Interactıon (CIE 507)
Theory Of Elastıcıty (CIE 501) Y Y Y Y Y Y

Zorunlu Dersler

Ders PÇ 1 PÇ 2 PÇ 3 PÇ 4 PÇ 5 PÇ 6
Engineering Mathematics (CIE 507)
Research Area (CIE 801)
Research Area (CIE 802)
Research Area (CIE 803)
Scıentıfıc Research Methods and Semınars (INM 500)

Seçmeli Dersler

Ders PÇ 1 PÇ 2 PÇ 3 PÇ 4 PÇ 5 PÇ 6
Advanced Computer Applıcatıons For Structural Mechanıcs (CIE 516)
Advanced Dynamıcs Of Structures (CIE 510)
Desıng Of Steel Structure Systems (CIE 505)
Fbe_Seçmeli ( )
Fbe_Seçmeli ( )
Foundatıon Vıbratıons and Dynamıc Soıl-Structure Interactıon (CIE 509)
Mat Foundatıons (CIE 537)
Modellıng Transportatıon Systems (CIE 591)
Numerical Modelling Method İn Geotechnics (CIE 503)
Relıabılıty Analysıs Of Urban Transportatıon Systems (CIE 511)
Structure-Soıl Dynamıc Interactıon (CIE 507)
Theory Of Elastıcıty (CIE 501)