Ders Adı Kodu Yarıyıl T+U Saat Kredi AKTS
Foreıgn Polıcy Analysıs In A Multılevel Perspectıve (En) MES 524 0 3 + 0 3 6
Ön Koşul Dersleri
Önerilen Seçmeli Dersler
Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Seviyesi YUKSEK_LISANS
Dersin Türü Seçmeli
Dersin Koordinatörü Arş.Gör.Dr. BİLAL YILDIRIM
Dersi Verenler Arş.Gör.Dr. BİLAL YILDIRIM,
Dersin Yardımcıları
Dersin Kategorisi Diğer
Dersin Amacı

Ortadoğu Çalışmaları yüksek lisans öğrencilerine ülkelerin dış politika kararlarını çok boyutlu bir açıdan analiz etmelerini sağlamak.

Dersin İçeriği

Part 1 : Foreign Policy Analysis: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives

• General Introduction and information on course requirements
• The History and evolution of foreign policy analysis
• Levels of Analysis in FPA
• Realism and foreign policy
• Liberalism and foreign policy
• Constructivism and foreign policy
• Discourse Analysis, post-structuralism, and foreign policy

• Part II: Analysing Foreign Policy: Actors, Context, and Goals

• Actors, structures, and foreign policy analysis
• Movie and Discussion: Thirteen Days (2h 25 m)
• Foreign policy decision making: rational, psychological, and neurological models
• The Role of Media and Public Opinion
• Movie and Discussion: Wag the Dog (1h 37m)
• International Setting (System Level) : International Constraints on Foreign Policy Making
• Movie and Discussion: Path to War (2h 5m)
• Individual Level: Do leaders shape foreign Policy?
• Movie and Discussion: The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara (1h 47m)
• The Domestic Setting (State Level)
• Bureaucratic Politics - Organizational Behaviour and Groupthink
• Documentary and Discussion: No End in Sight Iraq´s decent into chaos (1:42)
• Implementation and Behaviour
• The primacy of National Security
• Political Culture- National History
• Economic Statecraft-
• Duties Beyond Borders

• Part III: Workshop
• Workshop- Coursework Presentations and Discussion

Kalkınma Amaçları
# Ders Öğrenme Çıktıları Öğretim Yöntemleri Ölçme Yöntemleri
1 Learns the foreign policy anlaysis Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Beyin Fırtınası,
Hafta Ders Konuları Ön Hazırlık
1 General Introduction and information on course requirements The History and evolution of foreign policy analysis
2 Levels of Analysis in FPA Movie and Discussion: The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara (1h 47m)
3 Realism and foreign policy
4 Liberalism and foreign policy
5 Constructivism and foreign policy
6 Discourse Analysis, post-structuralism, and foreign policy
7 Actors, structures, and foreign policy analysis Movie and Discussion: Thirteen Days (2h 25 m)
8 Foreign policy decision making: rational, psychological, and neurological models
9 The Role of Media and Public Opinion Movie and Discussion: Wag the Dog (1h 37m)
10 International Setting (System Level) : International Constraints on Foreign Policy Making
11 Individual Level: Do leaders shape foreign Policy? Movie and Discussion: Path to War (2h 5m)
12 The Domestic Setting (State Level) Bureaucratic Politics - Organizational Behaviour and Groupthink Documentary and Discussion: No End in Sight Iraq´s decent into chaos (1:42)
13 Implementation and Behaviour The primacy of National Security Political Culture- National History
14 Economic Statecraft- Duties Beyond Borders Workshop- Coursework Presentations and Discussion
Ders Notu
Ders Kaynakları

Required Reading: Students may wish to purchase the following text:

• Steve Smith, Amelia Hadfield, Tim Dunne (eds.), Foreign Policy. Theories Actors cases (Oxford, OUP, 2012)
• MARIJKE BREUNING; Foreign Policy Analysis: A Comparative Introduction , Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
• Alex Mintz, Karl DeRouen (2010); Understanding Foreign Policy Decision Making, Cambridge University Press.

Also of value:

• Valerie M Hudson (2006); Foreign Policy Analysis: Classic and Contemporary Theory, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
• Christopher Hill, The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy (London, Palgrave, 2003)
• C Alden and A Aran, Foreign Policy Analysis – New Approaches, Routledge, 2011
• Ryan K Beasley,Juliet Kaarbo, Jeffrey S Lantis, Michael T Snarr (2012); Foreign policy in Comparative Perspective: Domestic and International Influences on State Behavior, CQ Press, London.
• Graham Allison and Philip Zelikour, Essence of Decision, 2nd ed, Longman, 1999;
• Steven Hook (Ed), Comparative Foreign Policy Adaption Strategies of the Great and Emerging Powers, Prentice Hall, 2002;
• Yuen Foong Khong, Analogies at War: Korea, Munich, Dien Bien Phu and the Vietnam Decisions of 1965, Princeton University Press, 1992;
• Caroline Lancaster, Foreign Aid: Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Policies, Chicago University Press, 2006;
• John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, Allen Lane, 2007;
• Volker Rittberger (Ed), German Foreign Policy Since Unification, Manchester University Press, 2001;
• Karen E Smith & Margot Light (Eds), Ethics and Foreign Policy, Cambridge University Press, 2001;
• David A Welch, Justice and the Genesis of War, Cambridge University Press, 2003
Bayraklı, Enes (2012); The Emergence of Kantian Culture in Turkish Foreign Policy 1980-2012 (A Holistic constructivist Approach), Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken

# Ders Öğrenme Çıktılarının Program Çıktılarına Katkısı
1 Learns the foreign policy anlaysis
Değerlendirme Sistemi
Yarıyıl Çalışmaları Katkı Oranı
1. Ara Sınav 30
1. Ödev 70
Toplam 100
1. Yıl İçinin Başarıya 50
1. Final 50
Toplam 100
AKTS - İş Yükü Etkinlik Sayı Süre (Saat) Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)
Ders Süresi (Sınav haftası dahildir: 16x toplam ders saati) 16 3 48
Sınıf Dışı Ders Çalışma Süresi(Ön çalışma, pekiştirme) 16 2 32
Ara Sınav 1 20 20
Ödev 1 20 20
Final 1 20 20
Toplam İş Yükü 140
Toplam İş Yükü / 25 (Saat) 5,6
dersAKTSKredisi 6